When I was having music lessons, I discovered that French is no more the foreign language we learn at school. Now, students don't have French, but Spanish: they can choose in the beginning of the year. That's because Spanish, for me, is the only language that can compete with English in this time.
Nowadays, learning foreign languages is crucial to have succes in a world dominated by the american technology and science.
Since we were kids we have always had some contact with English on television, radio and games but now that's happening frecuently than before. English is a foreign language that has expanded all over the world and indispensable for people to communicate, because in all countries wherever we go, everybody is able to communicate with you... but in English.
But there are other languages; learning English is not a guarantee of succes. It could be better if we knew other foreign languages, not only because that helps us find a good job, but because learning a language is learning about a culture. That's why learning foreign languages can be a way to fight against som racist and intolerant behaviour and fight for a world with similar opportunities for everybody.
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o texto escrito em inglês foi intencional... por causa do assunto
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